Utah Psychiatric Association Website Changes
The Utah Psychiatric Association’s website was previously hosted by the American Psychiatric Association; however, the American Psychiatric Association will no longer be offering that service. The UPA is in the process of transferring the content from the old site to a new site managed directly by the UPA, in the process of the transition, we’ve been making some changes to how information was organized, condensing some pages with similar themes down to single pages, etc.
In particular, several of the pages previously posted that seemed to better fit blog posts have been moved here as such. In some cases, when the date the original page was posted, a blog entry with that date was created. In other cases, particularly where several pages were condensed, the date will reflect the date the information was moved to the new site.
Dr. Michael Kalm was the force behind our prior web presence, and particularly with the blog posts, I’ve attempted to clearly credit his work, as I cannot assign him as the author of those posts at this time.
We apologize for any confusion this has caused, but welcome you to join us at our new home on the web!